Information for runners
Thank you for booking your place on the Guernsey Mind Investec 10K Challenge on the rescheduled date of Sunday 13th October.
We are excepting 300 participants, and so we have put together some useful information.
This is an important annual event for Guernsey Mind, not only as a fund raiser but also for increasing awareness about mental health and wellbeing and the work that Guernsey Mind does in the Bailiwick.
Please can we ask you to take a few minutes to read this through.
Re-scheduled date
Unfortunately, due to bad weather warnings, we had to postpone the original date for the event. The run will now take place on Sunday 13th October using the same route.
If you have already booked your place, you do not need to book again.
There will be limited parking at KGV, so we have booked Home Farm (the field behind Saumarez Park). We have been charged for using the space, so if you are able to make a donation for parking this would be very much appreciated. Buckets will be available.
When you get to KGV please head to the registration tent. There you will be able to collect your number – please pin your race number to the front of your shirts.
Registration will be open from 8.30am. Please can you aim to be registered and ready by 8.45am so we can start sharp at 9am.
Participants who booked before the 12th August had the option to select a race top for the event. If you have pre-collected your number with your shirt, please just check-in at the table marked ‘CHECK-IN ONLY’ so we know you are there. If you need to collect your shirt, please go to the ‘SHIRT & NUMBER PICK-UP’ desk.
The main building and the Pavillion will be open at KGV so the toilets can be used.
Bag drop
When you register, there will be the option to leave your bag in a dedicated gazebo. We would encourage you not to bring too much with you as we are expecting up to 300 runners. Please note, you leave your bag at your own risk.
Marshals and First Aid
St John will be available at KGV for anyone who needs medical attention. The route will be fully marshalled and Guernsey Civil Protection will be supporting the event. If you need any assistance, please ask a marshal or one of the Civil Protection volunteers.
There will be a short briefing before the start of the race – please listen to any final announcements made prior to the start of the event.
Please KEEP LEFT on the ROAD at all times during the Race.
Listen to the Marshals, Guernsey Civil Protection and the Police to help keep everyone safe around the whole course.
NO Headphones to be used during the race on safety grounds, you must be able to hear the Marshals, fellow runners and traffic at all times to help keep everyone safe and happy during the race
Please note, we will not be using chipped timings for the event, but we will be manually recording finishing times. We will try and keep these as accurate as possible, but please feel free to use your own timing devices. The event is not about who finishes first, but it is about setting yourself a personal challenge whether you are running, walking or a bit of both.
- Start on the road just outside the exit of KGV. Please wait for instructions from the briefing session before heading to the start area.
- Head left out of KGV and run down Rue Cohu, straight through Le Friquet Filter and along Landes du Marche and Camp du Roi.
- Turn LEFT at the filter down Rue Sauvage, keep going straight until T junction at the end of the road.
- Turn LEFT and start a bit of a climb up La Grande Maison Road to the next Marshal.
- Turn RIGHT – Haut Courtil Lane then RIGHT again down along La Rue d’Aval.
- Keep following La Rue d’Aval (it does wiggle around a bit). Turn left on to Rue du Houmet and go straight across the crossroads to come out by the Puffin & Oyster.
- Turn left onto the coast road heading south.
- Next stop the Quarry (Les Vardes / was Ronez) – for those running as a 5K team, this will be your changeover point (please note, there is parking available at Ronez).
- Keep running around the coast heading south along Port Soif (there will be a water station just past Goldcrest Avenue). Head along Grand Rocques and Cobo and head to the Rockmount
- Turn left at the filter after the Rockmount.
- Climb up Route de Cobo – 8k gone 2 to go! Please take care and watch out for traffic along Route de Cobo.
- Make a big left turn at Saumarez Park and head down Rue Cohu.
- Turn left into KGV and loop around the grass to the finish line!
- Please run through the finishing arch – you will then be able to collect your medal.
Food and drink
We would ask that everyone keeps well hydrated during the race. A manned water station will be available along Port Soif. A bin will be available just along from the station.
Water will also be available at the end of the race, along with a small selection of fruit (thank you to CI Coop).
Guernsey Dairy will be at KGV with their mobile unit. They will have milk available and will also be selling Guernsey icecream (you will deserve a treat at the end!).
We will have a photographer and videographer at KGV. If you any queries about this please contact [email protected]. We will make photos and footage of the event available on our social media pages and website.
We will also have a photo frame at KGV. Please feel free to use this and tag Guernsey Mind in on any social media posts and use the hashtag #guernseymindinvestec10k
Please dispose of any litter in bins along the route and at KGV. Our Island is beautiful, and we want to keep it that way
We know some people have been doing some fund raising for the event. Thank you so much for this. We will have donation buckets and Sum-up machines available on the day if anyone wishes to make any further donations.
Thank you
- There are many people to thank in putting on this event:
- To Investec for their ongoing sponsorship of this event.
- Guernsey Athletics, particularly Chris Gillman, Michael Way, Matt Sirrett and Ed Mason for their help and guidance.
- CI Coop for providing fruit.
- Guernsey Dairy for their mobile unit.
- World Aid Walk for the finishing arch.
- St John, Civil Protection and Guernsey Police for their support.
- KGV for the use of their fantastic facilities.
- Marc Gouarin and Ross Yeates for photography and drone coverage.
- A BIG THANK YOU to ALL of the helpers giving their time to help the race happen!
- And, of course, to all participants in the 10K Challenge. Thank you so much for your support.